It hasn’t been long since the buzzing of iOS 10 begun, the next OS update for all major supported iPhones. Someone by the name of Ralph took it a step further and names his concept iOS 11, This is his concept of how Apple’s next iOS upgrade after iOS 10 will be. Ralph Theodory created an excellent video explaining a lot of features he’d like and his concept of iOS 11. The video has been uploaded to a separate channel. Here’s a glamorous look at iOS 11.
Some of the features:
– Camera API Recognition
– Multiple users on iPad
– iPad Pro Xcode ( Swift )
– Customizable Control Center
– Minimized Apps on iPad
– 3D Touch speed dial
– Fingerprint to enable changes in Settings
– Adaptive Dark UI
Most of the features shown off in Ralph’s concept make complete sense and will definitely enhance the user experience even further on Apple iOS devices. However, we could expect to see some features rolling into upcoming iOS releases but we could also expect some drop offs in the videoSure iOS 10 is still in beta, but the iOS 11 concept by Ralph is equally as incredible. Kudos to this designer from Syria.