“The Simpsons” show is known to have predicted many things such as smartwatches, hamburger earmuffs, etc. But did “The Simpsons” really predict Pokémon Go? Well, let’s find out.
Did “The Simpsons” Really Predict Pokémon Go?
The image above emerged on the internet this month. Taking a look at the image, we can see “The Simpsons” making a creepily accurate prediction of Pokémon Go. But guess what? The above image is fake.
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Investigating further, it has been found that the background of the image is taken from the season 14 episode of The Simpsons called “How I Spent my Summer Vacation?” The background of the picture is just a screen-grab from the moment when Homer picks up the pills from the floor when they are on the “Rock and Roll Summer Camp”. Sounds fishy, right? Well, lets dig deeper.
Someone just captured an image from the episode when Homer points at an imaginary Jesus. After that, the individual who did this just Photoshopped a second hand holding a phone and playing Pokémon Go.
So there you have it, The Simpsons did not predict Pokémon Go. It was just someone good with Photoshop. Next time you see internet hoaxes like this, be sure to take it with a pinch of salt.
damn. and i was about to share this on social media too