After being subjected to massive leaks, Samsung officially revealed the Note 7 on Tuesday. With Samsung’s phablet reeling in many improvements in terms of physical features and software tweaks. Some of the minor tweaks that were noticed is the dual-edge display found on the S7 edge, water and dust proofing, expandable memory, more cellular bands support, a revamped S-pen featuring a smaller nib for more accuracy and a Iris Scanner. While the company did not go into details of its price or availability in other regions, details are now pouring in. Samsung’s latest phablet just got an official release date.
According to reports, in Europe, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will be available for pre-orders on August 16 and will be available on September 2, reports SamMobile. Samsung is also offering some freebies to those who registered in the early-bird program. For the early-birds, Samsung is handing over their own VR headset, the Gear VR, or a 256GB MicroSD card.
As of the pricing, an online retailer suggests that the price of the Note 7 in Europe would roughly start at EUR 699 which translates to US$779.
On the other side of the world, in the US market, pre-orders just started yesterday and will be available the 19th of August. As usual carriers have sprung up with their offers offering the Note 7 for as low at US $29.34/month for 30 months, and a 24-month contract for $36.67.
On the rival side, T-Mobile is offering the Galaxy Note 7 SIM-free for $850, and contractually you can get it for $32.50 a month for 24 months. T-Mobile won’t begin selling it till August 28. However, for T-Mobile user who pre-ordered the Note 7, they’re getting quite a larger bag of choices when it comes to choosing freebies by offering a 256 GB micro SD card, a Gear Fit 2, and a one-year Netflix subscription.
The biggest highlight of the Galaxy Note 7 is its iris scanner, and it is the first smartphone from Samsung with such a feature. It also sports a dual edge display, and an improved S Pen with waterproofing abilities. As for specifications, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 offers a 5.7-inch QHD dual-edge Super Amoled display, a Snapdragon 820 SoC or Exynos 8890 SoC depending on the region, 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, 64GB of inbuilt storage, ‘Dual Pixel’ 12-megapixel rear camera, a 5-megapixel front camera, a 3500mAh battery, and NFC support.
So there you have it, the note 7 release date and specifications. For more articles like this, stay tuned to GeeksULTD