PC Gamers weren’t happy when they found the second installment in the Watch Dogs franchise being delayed for extra development. Nvidia has been working very close with developers in showcasing the potential of PCs, at least their Nvidia cards, and the upcoming Watch Dogs 2 trailer was no exception.
Recently, Nvidia launched a video in which Watch Dogs 2’s Senior Producer, Dominic Guay showcases the technologies and power of Nvidia’s Gameworks technology.
Watch Dogs 2 is being treated with all the goodies a gamer should expect. Minor graphical details, SLI support for their GTX 1070 and above, their 360° Ansel technology and much more!
While many of these features have been nourished into the GTX-10 series cards, a few of these options and goodies would also make their way into Nvidia’s older cards as well.
With what they’ve shown off in the video, it’ll certainly been great to see how much of an impact these extra options make on the performance and how good Nvidia’s cards actually take advantage of these technologies.