The Next Part of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Begins on April 12th.

The developer behind Final Fantasy XIV has released a new patch for players to enjoy. Patch 6.1 features mounts, hairstyles, and more to make the game even better than before! You can get started on your journey with these updates by downloading them now through PlayStation Network or Xbox Live Arcade

The story isn’t over yet though- there will be another live letter event coming soon where they discuss what’s next so stay tuned if you want news about this as well

The Next Part of Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker Begins on April 12th.

When Endwalker was defeated, it seemed like the world would end for good. But with Seven asleep and factions across Eorzea doing their own thing now that they’ve prevented an extinction-level event in this galaxy—events conspire to reunite your friends once more as you set out on some old school low stakes adventuring!

I’m excited by the prospect of my Warrior returning to her dungeon-delving, treasure-hunting roots. But given how closely guarding information has been around here lately–even from myself!–I’ll admit that part doesn’t thrill me quite as much! However, there IS ONE hint in today’s trailer about what could come next: Y’Shtola Rhul mentions research into how players can travel back AND forth between different shards or instances within our world (which was previously unknown). And after listening carefully during the Live Letter presentation with Yoshida…well let’s just say if this pans out then fans are going home happy thanks largely due

With the discovery of other versions of Eorzea, future patches might likely involve traveling to these foreign realms.

Final Fantasy’s hard-working Calafell, Taru is getting her adventure in patch 6.1! While I know that role is largely administrative for now though there’s always room to grow and explore new things, especially with how much time she spends protecting Eorzea from threats both foreign (the Garleans) and domestic–both would be great stories but maybe just one where they help out on questlines? That could spark some interesting character development when we see what made this strong female character so determined throughout all those years of fighting monsters as well helping others).

The Final Fantasy XIV team has announced that they’re working on a new system called Trust for dungeons in A Realm Reborn. What this means is that instead of waiting for ages at one point during your playtime, you can party up with AI-controlled characters to complete the same instance as quickly and efficiently! The first few implementations will come out across patches 6.1 & 7 before being fully implemented later down the line – keep an eye open if want more content like these because it surely won’t disappoint!”

While the main focus of this expansion is, as always with final fantasy XIV, new content for players to enjoy (a raid!); there are also some changes coming that may be more important than anything else. You’ll see what I mean when it comes to a time- culmination around March 2016 hopefully won’t disappoint. And if you’re looking forward to playing through Etcetera? Don’t worry because they’ve got plenty planned just

The new expansion for World of Warcraft is finally here! With over half a million monsters to kill, you’ll be able to explore the world and find all sorts of challenges. But wait there’s more – if your character has reached Level 120 (or above), then they can take part in this incredible adventure as well; enter Old Farthex on Karazhan side-quest line where players will have their zone with special quests that range from killing enemies like never before…

A few words about these changes would not suffice so let’s go straight into what exactly comes packed inside patch 6

For more details and updates visit Geeksultd.


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