Last Week Tonight with John Oliver is an HBO late-night chat show that John Oliver created and hosts. The show satirizes the news, politics, and current events of the week.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver has broadcast 252 episodes as of June 5, 2022. On February 20, 2022, the show’s ninth season premiere.
But, before we get to that, can we take a moment to reminisce about the Platinum Jubilee part from the beginning of the episode? We know Oliver enjoys skewering the Royal Family when he gets the chance, but considering recent events, he couldn’t devote that much time to it. His portrayal of British politics from years past is legendary, particularly the appearance of Lord Buckethead.
Of course, the major section tonight focused on happenings in Texas, but it also went beyond that. It was a detailed examination of the idea of school police as a viable response to current gun-related violence. How much have they done, and how much more could they do, to prevent tragedies?
Oliver, as is customary, arrived armed with data, and a lot of it. He cited evidence that resource police aren’t always effective deterrents, and he offered several alternatives.
Will this show attract a large number of viewers who are eager to hear Oliver’s thoughts on the subject? Unfortunately, this is likely not the case, and this is one of several concerns. We don’t aim to go too political in these pieces, but we think tonight’s show was successful in obtaining across the ideas it needed to — with a little humor thrown in for good measure. This is the funny irony of the show: Oliver and his creators use humor to examine broken systems and find solutions to improve them, and they are more effective than people in the news profession in doing so.
After a quick jab at Prince Andrew and the United Kingdom’s Platinum Jubilee celebration honoring Queen Elizabeth II, John Oliver launched into his main piece on Sunday night’s Last Week Tonight, calling for stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the school massacre in Uvalde, Texas, last month.
Oliver presented a tape of NRA head Wayne LaPierre calling for fully supporting police agencies around the country as well as school security resource officer programs, noting that the NRA attended a convention in Texas three days after the atrocity.
The federal government spent $750 million in the six years following the Columbine school massacre in 1999, which led to the hiring of nearly 6,500 school employees. However, research shows that 58 percent of American campuses now have a sworn police officer on campus at least once a week, while other resources have been reduced, according to Oliver. According to another survey, 14 million pupils attend schools where there is a police officer but no counselor, nurse, psychologist, or social worker.
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