In Japan, the smash-hit anime Spy Family is being adapted into a live-action musical stage show. While the show has not yet begun, bits and pieces are being teased to get everyone excited and ready for its big debut. The first major reveal was made this week: the costumes for two of the main characters, as well as how the actors cast as them will look.
The Spy Family live-action musical was first announced in early May 2022, just a few months after the anime debuted. Toho Stage, one of Japan’s largest producers of anime musicals, is producing it. For several months, few other details were revealed, until September 30, when the first costumes were released on Toho Stage’s official website.
Spy Family tells the story of Lord Forger, a spy who must pretend to be a normal guy in a normal marriage to complete his current mission. Spy Family has taken over the anime world in the last year, surpassing other big names such as Demon Slayer, Haikyuu!, and Jujutsu Kaisen to become the most talked about anime both in Japan and abroad.
The anime debuted in April 2022 and has already become one of the most well-known. Spy Family is still airing, with the most recent season premiering on October 1st and continuing to air each week.
The main characters, Loid Forger and Yor Briar have already been cast and were revealed just last week. Hiroki Suzuki (stage adaptations of Saiyuki and Touken Ranbu) and Win Morisaki (Ready Player One) will play Lord, and Fuuka Yuzuki and Mirei Sasaki will play Yor (of the idol group Hinatazaka46). Anya has not yet been cast, but many other supporting characters have been revealed (though we have not seen any images of them yet in costume).
When it comes to costuming and presentation, stage adaptations of anime can go in two directions. Spy Family appears to be the former, as the costumes for Loid and Yor are identical to those seen in the anime series, which will no doubt please many fans!
While many popular anime shows and musicals these days, it is always an honor when an anime is chosen for such an adaptation. Stage shows are very popular in Japan, and having a stage show in production for an anime that is less than a year old and still running is a big deal. We’re excited to see how the show handles Anya, and how they manage to keep her distinctly cute and tiny image accurate in a live adaptation!
The musical stage show, the Spy Family will premiere in Tokyo on March 8, 2023.
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