Watches have always been a part of the “Fashion” scheme, don’t take me wrong, who doesn’t like watches. Since the old days, which I don’t wanna recall, we had simple watches that only used to tell the time. Basically, I used to think of them the “small brother” of the larger clocks in the early 2000s. Watches since then got more premium, more expensive while doing the same task, but recently, we got to hear a term being called “smartwatches”. These days, almost every well known smartphone manufacturer has jumped in to show off their smart watches, this includes Huawei’s Honor Band Z1, which we are reviewing today! Its a simplistic watch that won’t cost everyone their kidneys. So what if I slap my money, is it worth it? Let’s find out, shall we?
Okay mate, what do I get in the box?
Ok so it tell’s the time, what else?
The design of the Huawei Honor Band Z1 is no slouch, its lightweight, has brushed steel for construction and a comfortable wrist band. Overall the size of the watch is very minimal. In my opinion I agree with calling it the barebones watch. To be honest, it isn’t Android Wear but I don’t mind it at all! It tells the time on a simple PMOLED screen, gives you notifications, tracks your fitness and what else do you need? Huawei also added some visual eyecandy which looks very good!
I have been using the watch for a week now and it has been a good companion, sure, sometimes you don’t get the WOW factor, but yeah its totally functional for a fraction the price of the Android Wear watches in the first place. Though, many would like to point out the heath rate sensor being knocked off this watch. To most people, they don’t even care about it! Sometimes, having something simplistic really satisfies me.
Ok so how does this thing work?
The walkthrough is pretty self explanatory, its touch enabled and can also be navigated with gestures.
So to setup the Honor Band Z1, simply get your phone and install the Huawei Wear app from the Play Store, from there it’ll try to search for your Band Z1,once found pair them and done! You’ll get full statistics from your watch to your tablet or smartphone.
How was my Experience?
Well this review was short! Its such a simplistic device. Well, to be honest I was happy, it’s such a light device that I even forget to check it. It comes with a magnetic charger which sticks to it. OOne thing I really love is the cable, yeah its flat. This may be a positive for many.
I may not be a busy man looking at my watch every other second, but the watch really serves well and gives me an overall view of my health. The battery life lasts me a 2 days at most, though I noticed, constantly keeping the screen on decreases its battery much more faster. While exploring it for 15 minutes the battery dropped 10%. Though, looking at it just generally lasted me 2 days most of the time. Think about it, for RM259/$60US, you’re getting a watch that has solid build quality and a good finish, thiugh, the only downside I found was the battery life, I think Huawei needs to improve there! In my opinion its totally worth it. It does most of what Android Wear watches do, but at a fraction of their cost! Simply marvellous!