On Monday, Xbox’s Head unveiled Project Scorpio. A console with the power of 6 Teraflops to run 4K Games, but in a recent Interview with eurogamer, Phil Spencer asked the interviewer what T.V he had, The interviewer replied with ” A standard 1080p one” Than Phil Spencer replied: “Than It won’t be able to do much for you, because it’s for 4K gaming”. The approach Microsoft is taking with this odd, as they are not considering Project Scorpio a successor to the original xbox one or xbox one s but as a family member, and Phil Spencer said this ” No console would be left behind” meaning all of the accessories will work with all of the consoles.
But Recently, some controversy has stirred up on the regards of the 4K performance of the console. Many people and specialist believe that 6 Teraflops of computing power would not give a satisfying 4K performance and compared it to the Nvidia GTX 1070 which has 7 Teraflops of power but still runs 4K games at a max of 30fps. What will Microsoft do to get a viable 4K experience? as of now many people are kept in the dark about the project and its computing power. For more on Project Scorpio, keep it set on Geeks ULTD.