Few weeks ago, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 Anniversary Update will come in the start of August this year. The new update will feature thinks such as dark mode, bio-metric authentication and new gesture controls. One of the biggest new features for gamers in the anniversary update is Xbox Play Anywhere, which allows a shared library between Windows 10 PCs and Xbox consoles.
Microsoft Sneakily Edited Xbox Play Anywhere Description:
Microsoft changed the description and they did it with stealth, without telling anyone. Last week, the description at the time of the announcement of Windows 10 Anniversary Update was:
“Every new title published from Microsoft Studios will support Xbox Play Anywhere and will be easily accessible in the Windows Store.”
Now, after the edit, it says:
“Every new title published from Microsoft Studios that we showed onstage at E3 this year will support Xbox Play Anywhere and will be easily accessible in the Windows Store.”
As you can see, they delicately changed the description. Microsoft’s boss, Phil Spencer did say that they are not planning to bring PC and Xbox together. Seems like Microsoft is trying to play it safe now. This may mean that Microsoft is actually not planning to launch every Xbox game on PC.