Pokémon Go is a location-based augmented reality game initially released on July 6, 2016. The game is available on iOS and Android devices. Pokémon Go is developed by Niantic, Inc. and published by The Pokémon Company. It is released as a part of the Pokémon franchise. Since its release, Pokémon Go is a huge success. It has gone viral on the Internet. Nintendo’s Value got Almost Doubled by Pokémon Go.
Nintendo’s shares have increased 90% since Pokémon Go was launched few days ago. Nintendo is now valued at $3.94 billion and it is now one of Japan’s biggest companies. Nintendo has a bigger market value than automotive giant “Mitsubishi” now. The shares of Nintendo in the Tokyo stock market increased by more than 9%. Even though the company owns just 33% of The Pokémon Company and 5-10% of Niantic, their shares are increasing.
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Pokémon Go is a huge success but it is still unknown whether it can maintain the player-base or not. The game already got downloaded millions of times and it is one of the fastest growing mobile games. Due to its huge number of players, the game is causing issues. The servers are under heavy load and sometimes the game crash unexpectedly. The game has also caused a number of other problems. Two players of Pokémon Go fell of a cliff while playing in California. People are being warned not to play the game while driving as it can cause accidents.