Pokémon Go is an augmented reality (AR) game developed by Niantic, Inc. and published by The Pokémon Company. The game has gone viral and it is being played from all over the globe. However, the game hasn’t gone global yet. So far, it is available in 30 countries. Many Asian countries such as Japan, Pakistan and Malaysia didn’t get Pokémon Go. Niantic has just announced that Pokémon Go is coming to Asia tomorrow, that is 20th July, 2016.
Pokémon Go is Coming to Asia Tomorrow Starting from Japan
The developers paused the game’s release because of heavy server load. The game was getting issues but now it seems like the company has resolved them. The developers of Pokémon Go said that they will release the game to Asia when they have enough server power.
According to Niantic’s CEO John Hanke, the game was expected to launch in Japan at the end of this month. But now, they’re releasing it sooner. Pokémon Go is coming to Asia on 20th July, 2016. The first country it will hit is Japan. The game will start coming to other Asian countries too after releasing in Japan. The game is expected launch in India and possibly Pakistan too next week.