Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game developed by Niantic, Inc. and published by The Pokémon Company. The game has gone viral. It almost doubled Nintendo’s market value. Pokémon Go hasn’t gone global yet either. But still, the game is flooded with players from all over the globe. Pokémon Go is coming to Asia (Starting with Japan) today. The game has enormous player-base. Pokémon Go gets downloaded 5000 times every minute.
Pokémon Go Gets Downloaded 5000 Times Every Minute
A website called AppInstitute shows real-time stats of apps. Visit this page to see the real-time stats of Pokémon Go. Let the counter go up to 1 minute and you’ll see that Pokémon Go gets downloaded 5000 times every minute. This is not constant though. But we can confidently say that Pokémon Go gets download “almost” 5000 times every minute. Still an amazing number.
This contributes to almost 15,000 downloads in every 3 minutes and more than 25,000 downloads in 5 minutes. On the right side, it shows how many times the game got downloaded on Android platform since the user visited the page and on the left side it shows how many times the game got downloaded on iOS platform since the user visited the page. In the center it shows the total number of downloads.
If you scroll down a bit, the website also shows how much revenue the game made since the time the user visited the page compared to other top games. And well, as you can see, Pokémon Go makes a lot of money i.e. $65,000 in 6 minutes.
And let me say this again, the game hasn’t gone global yet. Imagine how much this will improve once the game goes global. The site also shows how Pokémon Go stacks up against other top applications such as Facebook and Instagram.
Pokémon Go is the biggest mobile game ever in the United States. And it certainly has the potential to be the best in the world. Only time will tell. Till then, keep it set on GeeksULTD.