We all know how much Samsung has been losing with their Note 7 recall. With many customers complaining and even suing the company for selling dangerous devices. According to Samsung, the batteries were sourced by two manufacturers of which most are prone to. Samsung’s global recall of Note 7s has caused many frustrated customers to return their Note 7s in favour of using Samsung’s Galaxy S7 while their device goes for replacement. Many users are still not returning their Note 7 despite all the offers Samsung has put forward.
According to Samsung, approximately 40% of defective Note 7s are still out in the wild in the US and Korea, as only 60% of the defective Note 7s were replaced. Meanwhile 80% of Note 7s sold in Singapore have already been returned for replacement. Many regions have also received the new replacement Note 7s are subject to availability if you’re looking for.
Even if the newly Note 7s, many users are still reporting the Note 7 of overheating while charging the device.
Now it seems like the Note 7 is on a hill where many users are hesitating to return their devices and some users have already replaced them. For those who aren’t intending to replace their Note 7, how many of those devices pose a threat, only time will tell.We urge many users to not take the risk and just return their Note 7 to be safe in the long run.