Apple has really been pushing hard on their A10 chips this year. With complaints coming from the Note 7 regarding its battery and the iPhone 7 regarding it hiss sound under load. According to GeekBench, the A10 Fusion chip found in the iPhone 7 scores higher than Intel’s Xeon used in the Mac Pro in single-threaded tests.
Amazingly enough, Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 hasn’t had a great start, even in the performance department being beaten by the iPhone 6s as well. Courtesy of PhoneBuff, they had just had to see how much faster is the iPhone 7 compared to the Note 7.
By completely finishing the test in half the time, the iPhone 7 emerges as the victor here. Meanwhile, the Note 7 still suffers almost double the time to complete the same tasks. Here’s the full video
Considering the recent turns, it seems like Samsung would really need to push out the Samsung Galaxy S8 to pull its socks back up since Apple and Samsung have keen rivals!
Adding to that, the iPhone 7 seemed very impressive in the RAM management department loading back as many apps in an instant, when recalled. Although that isn’t so say the the iPhone 7 is the best smartphone! While it did beat the Note 7, early camera tests turned in favour of Samsung’s smartphones since the new iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are completely blowing out highlights making their predecessors, even the iPhone 6s ashamed.
Let’s just hope Apple fixes their camera in future updates if it wants to remain among the top camera smartphones.