Without a doubt, Sony’s event, which was held today brought exciting packages for console gamers by announcing two consoles, the PlayStation 4 Slim and the Pro. According to Sony, HDR is among their core focuses in bringing better looking visuals on consoles. With the gameplay trailer of Horizon Zero Dawn being showcased at the event, the game took full advantage of showing off the capabilities of HDR gaming and it’s future.
In addition to that, Sony proudly announced that all of their fleet of current-gen consoles, including the new ones released today, will enjoy HDR with an upcoming firmware update allowing 40M PS4 gamers to have access to HDR without upgrading their console unless they feel to.
Horizon Zero Dawn is among the titles that support HDR as Sony hasn’t enforced HDR on developers, so we should see more HDR titles for the PS4 coming in the near future.
Horizon Zero Dawn is set to release on the 28th of February, 2017 and is set as an PlayStation 4 Exclusive.