Sony’s release of the PSVR is just right around the corner. Sony has been pushing some excellent 3rd party and in-house first-party titles with the PSVR at launch which could bring a strong impact on Sony’s overall sales. Considering the pricing, available titles and pricing in different regions, Sony has to get as many people to get into trying their PlayStation VR.
Until this moment, the PlayStation 4 is fine running VR. Although, Sony’s PlayStation Meeting tomorrow should lift the curtains on the PlayStation 4 Slim and the Neo possibly.
According to PlayStation, every PSVR unit will come bundled with the demo disc allowing you to try out 8 amazing games. They are:
- DriveClub VR
- PlayStation VR World
- RIGS Mechanized Combat League
- Tumble VR
- Battlezone
- EVE: Valkyrie
- Wayward Sky
- Headmaster
Considering Sony bundle all these demos, it’s pretty impressive and smart of Sony to allow new players to experience a wide range of PSVR games out of the box which is good for the consumer.
Sony’s PlayStation VR is due to release on the 13th October, 2016 and is compatible on current-gen PlayStation 4 consoles.