Sony’s release of their exclusive VR headset, PSVR is just around the corner. And Sony is fully prepared for the release of the PSVR thanks to their library and pricing. Sony has been holding roadshows all over the world allowing gamers to have the first-hand experience on what it feels to play games with PSVR.
Along that, earlier this month, Sony also announced that all PlayStation VR purchases will come with a demo disc allowing the home user to try out 8 demos. Those titles are:
- DriveClub VR
- PlayStation VR World
- RIGS Mechanized Combat League
- Tumble VR
- Battlezone
- EVE: Valkyrie
- Wayward Sky
- Headmaster
Considering the price, exclusivity and the titles ready for the PlayStation VR, I could only imagine how this may lure in some gamers for the time being. Adding some some awareness to that is just playing sensible from Sony until they have the time. Here’s the commercial:
Additionally having an early start over Sony with the 4K gaming race (although not native 4K gaming), the PlayStation 4 Pro launching this November should turn the tables back onto Microsoft when it launches, especially for that aggressive $399 price tag. Considering what you’ll be spending to get VR on the PlayStation 4, it should set you back around $399 for the headset alone which is also quite an attractive price.