Fanatec has been in the gaming accessory gamble for quite a while, and the company has gained great recognition for their racing accessories in video games.
Recently in an forum post, Fanatec CEO, Thomas Jackermeier recently broke out the new of Turn 10 Studios working on Forza Motorsport 7. Titled “Wishlist for FM7”, Mr.Thomas tries get in a few ideas they could implement in the next Forza Motorsport title. Obviously touting what they could be adding to the game with their products, this could be an amazing time for users to give actual feedback that would be taken seriously and passed onto Turn 10 Studios.
In a forum post, Thomas said:
“I had a very good meeting with them and I am happy to report that there is a good chance that a lot of things will change for the better in upcoming FM titles. There is a new person who is responsible for physics and force feedback and this is a “wheel guy”. He is a real world racer with car engineering background and very familiar with PC simracing.
The PC market seems very important for them and they are aware that this market is dominated by wheel users. Therefore we will intensify our co-operation and get the best out of the games for wheel users.
I cannot confirm at this point what features can be implemented but the interest to do so is very high.”
Amazingly enough, a lot of the recommendations seem to be have been passed onto Turn 10 Studios after Thomas had his meeting. Thomas also expects users to bring out issues of users that have issues with Fanatec products in FM6.
If they really seem serious, Thomas’s quote should really intrigue many PC gamers about Turn 10 thinking about PC Gamers, especially after the stable and great release of Forza Horizon 3 that launched earlier this year.