Video Production has gained huge popularity over the last decade. With cameras improving everyday, cameras are now at a point where a camera sensor as small as a bead could take excellent videos and pictures. Now that we are in the digital age, people and professionals alike could share their captures with the world, with YouTube being a perfect example of “Broadcasting Yourself”.
YouTube and Vimeo have seen some amazing creators jumping aboard these outlets. Sliders have become a huge deal for many video creators and could really tell your story and message to the world. Until now, we’ve seen many YouTubers utilizing rail sliders, which are often big, heavy and are barely portable. Edlekrone has a solution for this creators, they call it the “Edelkrone Wing”
The edelkrone Wing comes in there variants, the Wing 3, 7 and 15. With the Wing 3 being targeted at smartphones, Wing 7 at DSLRs and Wing 15 at Professional Heavy Production Cameras. Their sliders come with a friction adjustment, a safety lock on the Wing 7 and 15 and is built with aluminium with professional CNC machinery.