Now that the Galaxy Note 8 is in the wild, Samsung is planning their next smartphone, which may release next year. President of Samsung Electronics Koh Dong-jin said that they are planning for a smartphone which will have a bendable display. He also said that his company has to first solve other problems, in order to achieve their goals. If those problems remain unsolved it will hinder their goals.
During Samsung’s Note 8 media day in Seoul, South Korea, Koh Dong-jin told the reporters:
As the head of the business, I can say our current goal is next year. When we can overcome some problems for sure, we will launch the product.
Koh Dong-jin didn’t give any explanation about problems his company may face. Samsung analysts said that mass-production of the smartphone with bendable display and high-tech specifications will take quite some time.
This is not the first time Samsung planned for bendable display. In 2013, Samsung displayed their first bendable display prototype known as Youm.
Koh Dong-jin also told reporters that Samsung is currently working with Harman to make artificial intelligence enabled speakers, which can be controlled by user’s voice. Samsung made a contract with Harman International Industries last year to work on their plans for marketing of connected cars.
Google Home and Amazon Echo voice-controlled speakers are already on sale in the market. Apple’s HomePods with voice control technology were announced at the World Wide Developers Conference 2017 and will be available for sale later this year. Koh Dong-jin didn’t say anything about the release date of the AI-enabled speakers.
Koh Dong-jin said that Galaxy Note 8 has made an amazing accomplishment by exceeding company’s expectations. Even though the Note 8 is the most expensive Note device ever, it certainly did better than the company expected.
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