OnePlus has come a long way since their initial introduction with the OnePlus One back in 2013. The company’s main focus has always been to provide the best of the flagship world in a mid-range price. While the company has been brawling with Xiaomi head to head in the specs race for the price, what OnePlus has been doing differently is hardening its fan base. As fans anticipate for the launch of the OnePlus 6T, it seems like OnePlus has decided to finally ditch the headphone jack with the next installment in the OnePlus franchise.
Recently, the folks over at TechRadar sat with Co-Founder of OnePlus, Carl Pei for an interview. Pei had some important news to break. Carl revealed to the folks over at TechRadar that the OnePlus 6T would ditch the headphone jack for good and assured that they aren’t removing the headphone jack just because everyone’s doing it. Carl Pei told TechRadar…
“We also had to think about the negative side [of removing the headphone jack] for our users. We found 59% of our community already owned wireless headphones earlier this year – and that was before we launched our Bullets Wireless headphones.”
OnePlus had polls going on their social media handles that asked the community if they prefer to have headphone jacks. OnePlus took this a notch further by taunting a number of its rivals for removing the headphone jack over the years.
Carl Pei also told TechRadar that they would be including a dongle within the box of the OnePlus 6T and that they’re new Type-C Bullet earphones are now an option too.
One of the more recent polls held by Carl Pei asked the community if they love headphone jacks, an overwhelming 88% of the OnePlus community still want to see the next OnePlus with a headphone jack.
Given how much backlash is about to come their way, it’s safe to say that it was a smart decision to reveal the removal of the headphone jack right now. Not only would the outcry from the community bog down by the time the OnePlus 6T is announced, but according to Pei, they would now have more room for the battery. Exactly how large that is, could be revealed at the moment. However, I am keen to see how much of a larger battery they intend to pack in these new devices given that the OnePlus 6 packs a 3300mAh battery.