AMD has just launched two new desktop processors, based on the 2nd generation Threadripper platform. One is a 24 core 48 thread behemoth, called the Threadripper 2970WX, and the other one is the Threadripper 2920X, which boasts 12 cores and 24 threads.
Both processors are aimed at different market segments, according to AMD. The WX series is “purpose-built for prosumers focused on raw computational power for the heaviest workloads”, while the X series is more aimed towards enthusiast-level gamers and streamers. With these two processors, the AMD 2nd generation Threadripper lineup now consists of a total of four processors, each aimed at a different use-case.
Model | Cores/Threads | Frequency GHz (Boost/Base) | Cache (MB) | TDP (Watts) | PCIe Gen 3.0 LANES (processor / platform) | Price (USD) | Availability |
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ 2990WX | 32/64 | 4.2/3.0 | 80 | 250W | 64 / 72 | $1,799 | Aug. 13, 2018 |
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ 2970WX | 24/48 | 4.2/3.0 | 76 | 250W | 64 / 72 | $1,299 | Oct. 29, 2018 |
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ 2950X | 16/32 | 4.4/3.5 | 40 | 180W | 64 / 72 | $899 | Aug. 31, 2018 |
AMD Ryzen™ Threadripper™ 2920X | 12/24 | 4.3/3.5 | 38 | 180W | 64 / 72 | $649 | Oct. 29, 2018 |
The 2nd-generation AMD Threadripper lineup now starts at $649 and goes all the way up to a whopping $1,799. It is great to see AMD diversifying their enthusiast-level processor lineup. This is surely going to step-up AMD’s game in the high-end processor market. As part of their marketing plan, AMD has also partnered up with third-party PC sellers, like Alienware, to sell pre-built PCs featuring these processors. You can learn more about this here.
The WX series Threadripper processors also feature a new technology, called Dynamic Local Mode (DLM). Without any user input, DLM basically automatically enhances application performance by optimizing the workload on the processor. According to AMD, DLM works wonders in gaming too. DLM has improved performance by over 15%, in games like Far Cry 5 and PUBG. The new DLM technology works via AMD’s Ryzen Master software.
The new WX and X series Threadripper processors are supported on existing motherboards. All X399 motherboards will support the new processors after a simple BIOS update. The new processors are also available in bundles at select motherboard retailers.