The Epic Games and Apple clash has been going on for quite some time now. The game developer’s Unreal Engine was completely shut off from accessing Apple’s hardware due to recent disagreements in terms of Apple Store policies regarding the cut Apple receives from active purchases. This led to more complications with Apple taking drastic measures to remove Epic Game’s top-selling Fortnite from its platform. This resulted in a huge blow to Epic Games and over these past few days, the matter seems to have escalated further.
Microsoft, on the other hand, is clearly opposed to this move by Apple in order to protect its proprietary culture. So far as to file a statement supporting Epic Games is further proof as to what the multi-trillion-dollar company has been doing wrong.
Cutting off Unreal Engine on iOS is undeniably a massive blow to both Epic Games and the gaming community in general. Understandably enough Unreal Engine itself is one of the most popular tools for videogames and app development in general. Making this move is certain to put the iOS community on the back foot restricting innovation holding the dated App Store Policies highest. Apple recently filed a petition for its own game streaming service that proves the fact that the gaming section itself isn’t very much ignored as we may think strengthening the company’s ecosystem lock.
Microsoft’s direct stance is somewhat a tie-breaker definite to bring some sort of end to this clash and to finally resolve the matter at hand. As of now, countless developers are left stranded without access to tools compulsory for development.