It is said that 85,000 people will be attending the grand ceremony in Lucknow.
Yogi Adityanath, Former Chief Minister of Gorakhpur and Member Parliament in India’s Hindu majority state assembly will take oath as the newest Uttar Pradesh government leader for a second time on Friday. The ceremony is set to be attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi among other prominent figures from within his party along with senior officials from both national governments who have been invited according to sources close at hand.”
Uttar Pradesh has been waiting for this moment since 2013 when Adityanath took charge as Chief Minister. He is finally going to script history by taking his seat once again after completing a full five-year term, which no other predecessor was able to do in just two terms!
Yogi Adityanath, a five-time MP and former monk turned politician was chosen by the BJP leadership to be its candidate for Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh. He has strived hard in fulfilling expectations from him as all eyes turn towards this key role during elections that will take place soon after forming government again at Centre or state levels with the strong poll theme being lawlessness & crime rate rise under a current regime which people here seem supportive about despite cricket match festival atmosphere often felt outside polling stations where few cases
With Yogi Adityanath as its candidate, the BJP won a seat that had been held by them since 1963. This is also their first win in 37 years and it’s an incredible feat considering how many people were against them before these elections took place!
The Prime Minister lauded Mr., now-Yogi’s work while he served as Hindu Mahasabha president prior to this position describing him as “a very good man” who has done wonders for Gorakhpur city during his tenure there including creating jobs throughout UP Plus Project which helps provide better living conditions especially
The BJP’s victory in Uttar Pradesh is a major setback for PM Khan who was hoping that his party would be able to form a government on its own. With these electoral losses, it remains uncertain when (or if) he will have another opportunity at forming worship and what impact this might have on relations between India and Pakistan
It seems likely now more than ever before given recent events which make me wonder whether there has been any progress made since last year
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