Anime Fox girls are referred to as girls in the anime character that have half-animal and half-human hybrids. Fox girls along with different monsters co-exist with humans that bringing a transformation.
Top anime fox girls are:
Senko is a foxy girl from Sewayaki Kitsune also known as the helpful Fox Senko. Senko looks like a young girl but in the anime world, she is over 500 years old.
Her lifestyle represents her as an older demigod age which is good.
Sewayaki kitsune no Senko-san
Shiro is a white fox girl with long white-silver hair, red eyes, ears, and tail. She believes everyone is her servant but after her friendship with the other fox girls, her attitude drastically changed.
Hyper police: Sakura
She looks like a lady in her twenties but she is over 119 years old which makes her look young. Sakura is one of the fox girls living with humans because she poses no threat to their lifestyle.
Home’s Fox deity: Kuugen Tenko
She is a fox deity who can transform into a man or a woman. Tenko is a metal Yokai fox deity and a guardian of the Mizuchi family.
Fox girls keep both human and fox forms as Tenko becomes a ferocious fox.
Bonbon and Hozuki
Bonbon and Hozuki are two cheerful fox girls who love to prank people and trick them with identical appearances.
The alternative organizations found a way to create a group of male soldiers and female youkai, through which the fox girls joined.
The radiant personality is that of a protagonist with a naïve nature about the working of the urban world. Despite the young age the sense of wisdom and offerings of the meaningful advice to the person that is in need. Nature is sealed due to the mischievous nature of the different anime series.
Mastering the spell imagination and the immense power of imagination and never initiating the evil lifestyle. Fox girls represent reliable and strong characters on the battlefield.
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