Love all play is a sports drama anime series written by Asami Koseki and directed by Hiroshi Takeuchi. Park Tae Yang is a former aspiring Olympian who had to leave the badminton world for three years due to scandals.
The series composition is by Tomoko Konparu based on an original story by Asami Koseki. Love All Play episode 12 is most likely to be released on Thursday 27th May approx. 7 pm (IST).
The second opening theme is Sandersonia by Hey! Say! Jump. Characters of the series include Taichi Higashiyama voiced by Tetsuya, Koki Matsuda voiced by Makoto Furukawa, Ryo Mizushima voiced by Natsuki Hanae, and Kento Yusa voiced by Kisho Taniyama, and Ren Miyagi voiced by Yuki Tai.
For a badminton fan, this series is interesting and informative with alternatives to the melodramatic Hanebado.
Sakaki is a classmate of Ryo and his partner in doubles. He is portrayed as a passionate individual with a straightforward game. Though as the series proceeded Ryon’s perspective changed when Yokohama Minato High School’s badminton coach scouted him.
Sakaki gradually discovers that everyone wants him to stay in the game. When the tournament starts everyone will convince Sakaki to give a hard fight to the competitors in the tournament.
In the beginning badminton team member, Mizushima Ryo dreams of attending Yokohama monitor high school with the player he admires. Gradually first years express their grief and disapproval with the way they are treated.
The final ranking match is set between Ryo and Matsuda begins and all the things take an interesting turn. Yokohama Minato takes a new step and advances to the prefectural tournament.
Saitama Fataba academy arrives for their practice match and the competition arose from that. They thrive to become the top athlete. The characters of the show are engaged with energetic track music.
Sakaki VS Ryou where you won the game and the final opponent was Matsuda. At the very end of the tournament, Matsuda won the game by 23-21 which was a shocker. During the double match, Sakaki wants to play with Ryou while Yusa dominated every game with a great team spirit.
Ryon struggles to gain his father’s support and attempts hard to be a good friend and an advantage to his team which might be a problem. Yusa and Yokokawa are missing the next rookie game as they have to participate in another one so the remaining slot remains empty.
The team is blessed with a coach and teammates, Mizushima will gain some experience that he lacked till now, and they aim to win the inter-house tournament.
Sasaki and Mizushima are hoping to claim the doubles spot in “Love All Play” in episode 10.
Crunchyroll is the streaming partner for the anime as it telecasts in Japan.
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