Resident Evil is leaving the world of video games once more, this time as a live-action Netflix series. Netflix’s Resident Evil expands on the canon of Capcom’s gaming brand while casting a spotlight on the series stalwart Albert Wesker, and is produced by Constantin Film, the studio behind Milla Jovovich’s six RE movies. According to our Resident Evil.
Season 1 review, the outcome is “superb acting paired with a compelling plot that somehow fits into this ever-growing and wildly complicated timeframe.”
Beginning July 14, Resident Evil will be accessible for streaming. If you’re curious about what it’s about or how you can view it for yourself, read on.
How to Stream Resident Evil
On July 14, all episodes of the new Resident Evil series will be available exclusively on Netflix.
How Many Resident Evil Episodes Are There?
Resident Evil is divided into eight episodes, each lasting approximately one hour. The first episode of the series is titled Welcome to New Raccoon City.
Follow Ella Balinska’s Jade Wesker as she struggles to accept her father Albert’s (Lane Reddick) involvement with the mysterious Umbrella Corporation.
She will also be tormented with sorrow and shame about what happened to her sister Billie (Adeline Rudolph).
The games are our backstory, Dabb said while explaining how the programme fits in with the rest of the Resident Evil series to Entertainment Weekly. In this universe, everything that occurs in video games is real.
Prior to being hired as the show’s head writer, the showrunner admitted he was a huge fan of Resident Evil, both the games and the movies.
He clarified: “The games are thrilling, entertaining, and engrossing. Additionally, the films are massive, opulent spectacles. Therefore, I found the thought of being able to produce something similar to this where we had a little bit of both interesting.””
Easter Eggs for devoted Resident Evil fans have been promised by Dabb as well: “There are a bunch. There is a lot of information on Wesker’s background and how he came to be who he is.
There are numerous references to William Birkin and the first two games, which undoubtedly had a significant impact on the narrative of this character.
What time does Netflix debut Resident Evil?
On Thursday, July 14, Netflix will launch internationally.
On the streaming service, all eight episodes will be available to watch all at once.
At 3 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, or midnight Pacific Standard Time, Netflix will stop streaming Resident Evil.
Resident Evil premieres in the UK at 8 a.m. BST, while viewers in Europe may start watching the show at 9 a.m. CEST.
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