Manifest :
It is a supernatural drama television series that premiered on September 24, 2018, on NBC. The storyline focuses on the passengers and crew of a commercial airliner that suddenly reappeared after being presumed dead for five and a half years as the horror was real.
The main characters of the series are:
- Melissa Roxburgh as Michaela Stone represented as a passenger on Flight 828.
- R. Ramirez as Jared Vasquez.
- Josh Dallas as Ben Stone representing a college associate professor in mathematics.
- Luna Blaise as Olive Stone.
- Parveen Kaur as Saanvi Bahl.
- Athena Karkanis as Grace Stone.
After being shot by a stray shot Michaela urges Zeke to ultimately handle it while Jared calls for help. Cal and a nosediving airplane were in the urge to call.
The series portrays Kate Bowers as she became the new police captain to tie up some loose ends and has Michael Drea Mikami acts as a new partner. Michaela reported a missing couple named Anson and Trina Vasik with two flight 828 passengers. Ben notices a van watching him and Cal gave a hint to him to stay close to Michaela as Zeke turns himself into the police with an ultimate aim.
Now the twist in the series came when Ben and Michaela found Anson and Trina near the George Washington Bridge and a revelation came when a car consisting of a family got trapped on the cliff after the father had fallen asleep. While Grace didn’t tell Danny about her pregnancy, the Major told Saanvi to either open up more or go to a support group for inspiration.
Olive confession about the devastation by the events at the nightclub took a steep turn. Simon advised Jared to look after Billy as a way to witness Jared while leaving the bar and kiss with Tamara was a turn. Drea following a way to the bar interacts with Billy, and Michaela finds that Billy had some records. Alex is married but the later confrontation with Saanvi at the hospital about the incident that said didn’t happen but Saanvi, unfortunately, has no memory of the event.
The official announcement was that Manifest is coming back for a fourth season on Netflix in August 2021 to return with its passengers five years after taking off from Jamaica.
NBC renewed the series for a second season that aired in 2020, and again for a third in 2021 after a remarkable impact. But to some circumstances, the series was canceled by NBC after three seasons in 2021. The series was a success that made Netflix renew Manifest for a fourth and final season consisting of twenty episodes. Stay tuned for more exclusive updates on the upcoming season.
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