The most recent video from Kim Kardashian and her child North West appears to be a jab at the socialite’s ex-husband rapper Kanye West. After about 7 years of marriage, the socialite filed for separation from of the rapper in February 2021. In November 2022, their divorce became legally binding, as well as the rapper was forced to provide almost $200,000 in child benefit each month.
For his anti-Semitic rants and other contentious remarks, the rapper has recently faced a lot of blowback. According to recent reports, he has vanished as the legal issues mount. North West and Kim Kardashian posted a clip on TikTok in which his daughter appeared as Kanye West while he was hard repairing the damage he had caused.
North West was transformed by Kim Kardashian into her father, Kanye West.
Socialite Kim Kardashian gained notoriety recently after she shared a TikTok video with her 9-year-old daughter, North West. Even her father, Kanye West, who is also Kim Kardashian’s ex-husband, has previously asked her daughter to get off the app.
North West was using special effects makeup to resemble her father in the most recent video, which was posted on TikTok on Thursday. Kim Kardashian is seen standing behind North West. She had bushy eyebrows and a fake beard that made her seem a lot alike her father, and her attire was spot-on. The two posed as Bound 2 by Kanye West played in the background.
Kim Kardashian received flak.
Many people condemned Kim Kardashian over the video once it went viral. She was criticised for being immature and for encouraging this behaviour as a mother, according to many. The fact that the socialite featured nude in the song’s music video was another factor that many Reddit users found to be strange and uncomfortable. Additionally, she and her kid posed identically to how they did in the song’s music video, which many people deemed to be very improper.
The rapper has previously expressed concern over his kids’ internet use. He stated in an interview from last year that My kid sure isn’t going to participate in TikTok without my approval.
Apparently been missing Kanye West lately.
Rapper Kanye West have reportedly vanished. No one saw the rapper for weeks, according to his former business manager. Many people are speculating whether this is an effort to avoid the media’s attention following the rapper’s career collapse due to his anti-Semitic rants. So over recent weeks, he has consistently made a number of contentious claims, which has significantly lowered his popularity. Numerous companies that were affiliated with him ended their contracts, which resulted in a significant financial loss for the rapper.
People don’t seem to like this family much due to everyday new family drama specially Kim and Kanye this dress up thing really pissed off people to another whole extent she was slammed by people for this.
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