Delve into the harrowing tale of Junko Furuta, a high school student whose life was tragically cut short by a heinous act of violence.
Early Life of Junko Furuta
Abduction and Rape
Discover how Junko was lured into a trap and subjected to unspeakable horrors by her captors.
Extended Torture
Understand the sheer brutality that Junko endured during her captivity, including physical and psychological torture.
Cruelty Beyond Imagination
Explore the depths of depravity as Junko faced unimaginable torment at the hands of her captors.
The Role of the Yakuza
Uncover the connection between one of the perpetrators and the infamous Japanese mafia in this tragic tale.
Denial and Complicity
Reflect on the shocking revelation that those around Junko chose to turn a blind eye to her suffering.
Discovery and Confession
Witness the moment when the truth about Junko’s fate came to light, leading to a confession from the perpetrators.
Legal Proceedings
Follow the court’s role in seeking justice for Junko and holding the responsible parties accountable for their actions.