Eric Trump REVEALED TO Father Donald Trump that the FBI had Raided Mar-a-Lago

As FBI officers searched his father Donald Trump’s office during a Monday morning raid at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, Eric Trump claimed that the current administration wanted to “target Biden’s greatest threat.”

Donald Trump revealed on Monday that the FBI searched his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida and broke into a safe there.

Trump claimed that his house had been “raided, and occupied” and was “now under siege” in a post on his social media forum Truth Social.

According to reports, FBI agents were looking for potentially illegal sensitive materials that Trump may have taken from the White House to Mar-a-Lago after his presidency ended.

Apparently searched as part of an inquiry into whether he took sensitive information with him when he left the White House, Donald Trump said on Monday that his Florida property was “under siege, raided, and seized by a huge group of FBI agents.”

A few hours later, Eric Trump made an appearance on Hannity where he admitted to informing his father about the raid and said that while his father’s office had been searched, nothing had been found in the safe.

According to NBC News, the raid was reportedly authorized by a judge, and US Secret Service officials at Mar-a-Lago participated by giving the FBI advance notice and allowing them access to the property.

When asked who received the call about the raid and informed his father about it, Eric Trump, who was seen on Monday at Trump Tower, claimed to be the one.

In 15 boxes at the property, the National Archives and Records Administration claimed to have discovered classified documents earlier this year and notified the FBI. To search for more presidential records that Trump might have moved to his Florida resort, the investigators carried out a search warrant on Monday.

Trump remarked on Truth Social, “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United States before.”

“This surprise raid on my residence was not necessary or proper,” I told the relevant government officials.

Eric Trump lashed out at Democrats when discussing his role in informing his father Donald about the FBI raid on Hannity on Monday.

Eric Trump claimed that the Joe Biden-led White House, which he claimed views his father as their biggest danger, was behind Monday’s raid on Mar-a-Lago.

The White House of President Joe Biden was unaware of the raid. According to the New York Times, senior White House officials learned of the FBI’s Mar a Lago raid via Twitter.

When asked who received the call about the raid and informed his father about it, Eric Trump, who was seen on Monday at Trump Tower, claimed to be the one.

The Justice Department’s criminal investigation into attempts to rig the 2020 presidential election is looking at Trump’s conduct at the time of the raid. The department’s examination into his handling of sensitive materials is unrelated to that investigation.

Federal law prohibits the removal of classified documents to unapproved sites, notwithstanding the possibility that Trump would try to claim that, in his capacity as president, he had the last say on declassification.

He admitted to Fox News anchor Sean Hannity, “I was the man who got the call this morning and I called my father and let him know it happened, and I was involved all day.” Welcome to political life in the year 2020.

“To have 30 FBI agents—more than that—descend on Mar-a-Lago, go through the gates with no warning, and begin searching an office and a closet—they broke into a safe, you know. In fact, he had nothing in the safe. Give me a break, I mean.

He said that the White House of Vice President Joe Biden was responsible for the raid.

This wasn’t from the Palm Beach, Florida, area FBI field office. You are aware of the source? This originated from the White House in Washington, D.C., a single location and a single structure. They want to attack the person they see as Biden’s biggest threat, according to Eric Trump.

The Biden White House was unaware of the situation. According to the New York Times, senior White House staff members learned about it via Twitter.

“Up to the time he made this choice, my father never had even a single speeding ticket in his life.

Trump said that his home is “now under siege” on Truth Social. Thomas Cina

There are numerous laws safeguarding classified material, including one that makes it illegal to remove such records and keep them at an unapproved location and is punished by up to five years in prison.

Another law prohibits the intentional or extremely negligent handling of classified records.

Trump has additionally been charged with trying to obliterate presidential records.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the National Archives claimed that some of the documents the former president returned to them had been broken up.

On Monday evening, Donald Trump was seen leaving Trump Tower in New York after claiming the FBI had raided his Mar-a-Lago house. This was purportedly in connection with an inquiry into whether the former president took any secret materials with him when he left the White House.

While getting into his SUV while being flanked by Secret Service officials, he waved and gave the crowd his trademark thumbs up but made no comments regarding the probe.

Trump did not specify what the federal officials were looking for in his dramatic announcement of the raid; instead, he merely stated that his Florida estate was “under siege, raided, and seized by a huge group of FBI agents.”

The former president yelled, “They even broke into my safe!”

On Monday night, Donald Trump was seen leaving Trump Tower in New York after declaring the FBI had searched his Mar-a-Lago residence.

Trump just mentioned that his Florida house was “under siege, raided, and occupied by a huge bunch of FBI investigators,” without specifying what the federal agents were searching for.

According to reports, FBI officials were looking for secret documents that Trump transported from the White House to Mar-a-Lago after he left office. Terry Renna/AP

Authorities shut off the area and encircle the Mar-a-Lago residence. Marco Bello for Reuters

Outside one of the Mar-a-Lago estate’s entrances, a Secret Service agent with a gun is stationed.

While a Trump spokesperson refuted reports that he attempted to flush the papers, Axios photos purport to show torn White House documents in the bottom of a toilet.

Trump referred to the raid as a politically motivated action by Democrats who oppose his reelection in 2024.

The New York Times stated that the probe is instead concentrated on the items that Trump brought to Mar-a-Lago after leaving the White House, primarily to see whether he is in private possession of any secret information, which would be illegal under federal law.

After departing from Washington, D.C., in January 2021, Trump brought 15 cartons of material. According to the AP, agents searched Trump’s South Florida house on Monday to determine if he had any further presidential records or any secret materials. The boxes were given to the National Archives a year later, in January 2022.

According to CNN, the search was concentrated in the area of the club that houses Trump’s offices and personal quarters. Christina Bobb, Trump’s attorney, was present during the investigation.

Additionally, the network reported that during a meeting at Mar-a-Lago earlier this year, Trump’s lawyer showed federal investigators documents that were kept there, including some marked classified.

He waved and gave the crowd his trademark thumbs up, but he made no comments about the inquiry as he climbed into his SUV while followed by Secret Service officials.

“Look, my father-in-law loves to keep things like newspaper clippings, magazine clippings, photographs, and papers that he had every legal right to take from the White House,” Lara Trump said in a statement to Fox News.

Because she was worried that her father-in-law might “announce any day that he’s running for president in 2024,” she described the raid as an attempt to harm him.

The raid takes place as Donald Trump considers making another run for the presidency and as legislators on Capitol Hill look into his post-2020 actions, in which he attempted to overturn Joe Biden’s victory.

It started on Monday morning and lasted for a while. It is quite uncommon for a federal raid to occur at the home of a former chief executive.

These are grave times for our country as a significant number of FBI agents are currently occupying Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, and have set up camp there. In an astonishing comment made on Monday night, Trump claimed that a president of the United States had never experienced anything like this.

“This surprise raid on my residence was not necessary or appropriate,” I told the relevant government agencies after working with them.

After departing from Washington, D.C., in January 2021, Trump brought 15 cartons of material with him. Workers take boxes out of the Trump White House on January 14, 2021. The boxes were surrendered to the National Archives a year later, in January 2022, but agents were checking to see if Trump had any new material on Monday.

On Monday night, armed Secret Service personnel are stationed outside the Mar-a-Lago residence of former President Donald Trump.

In a lengthy statement condemning the raid, Trump referred to it as “prosecutorial misconduct, the weaponization of the Justice System, and an attack by Radical Left Democrats who desperately don’t want me to run for President in 2024, especially given recent polls, and who will similarly do anything to stop Republicans and Conservatives in the upcoming Midterm Elections.”

Although the Justice Department refused to confirm that Attorney General Merrick Garland had personally approved the search, it is exceedingly implausible that a raid on a former president would occur without the AG’s seal of approval.

According to NBC News, the FBI informed US Secret Service officials at Mar-a-Lago beforehand, and they complied by allowing them access to the property. The Secret Service operatives observed the investigation and search but did not participate.

As a result, there was no need for the FBI to storm into the building or break any doors down.

“The political persecution, witch hunt, and lawlessness must be revealed and stopped.”

As armored cars sped up to the Palm Beach resort Monday morning and “at least 100” FBI agents stormed into Trump’s residence, a source who was at Mar-a-Lago at the time of the FBI raid told The Post that it was “like the scene of a ‘Die Hard’ movie.”

It was completely unexpected, according to the source. The only individuals present were intimate allies of Trump because the establishment was largely empty today.

Trump wrote, “A President of the United States has never experienced something like this.” Thomas Cina

“The employees were afraid to die.”

A search warrant would need to be approved by a judge and does not imply that criminal charges are imminent or even expected.

Republicans would decry any investigation as election-year politics, while Democrats want the former president to be charged. Garland and his DoJ are also subject to significant political pressure.

Kevin McCarthy, the head of the House Republicans, threatened Garland of retaliation. If Republicans take back control of the House in November, as is anticipated, he promised to look into the raid.

He issued a statement on Monday evening saying, “Attorney General Garland, protect your documents and clear you calendar.”

Before President Donald Trump left office on January 14, 2021, workers on the White House grounds load boxes from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building into a truck.

On Monday night, policemen are stationed outside a Mar-a-Lago entrance.

Agents were allegedly looking into whether Trump took any secret materials with him when he left the White House to his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

On Monday night, Trump supporters gathered in front of Mar-a-Lago.

Trump presented himself as the victim of mysterious government forces in his statement. President Trump, who was in office at the time, chose Christopher Wray as FBI Director.

Trump lamented on Monday that “broken, Third-World Countries” were the only places where such an incident could occur. Sadly, America has joined those nations as one that is extremely corrupt.

Even my safe was broken into! What distinguishes this situation from Watergate, in which agents broke into the Democrat National Committee? Democrats stormed into the home of the 45th President of the United States here, in reverse, he claimed.

When the raid occurred, Trump was not at Mar-a-Lago, his exclusive club and home. On Monday, the former president visited New York City. He announced the raid that evening and waved as he exited Trump Tower.

He typically spends August at his Bedminister, New Jersey, golf club. On Sunday, he was there and was captured on camera posing with a newly engaged couple.

The DoJ inquiry into the boxes of data containing sensitive material that were brought to Mar-a-Lago was thought to be connected to the raid.

The Department of Justice was asked by the National Archives and Records Administration to investigate whether the former president broke any laws in February. There are numerous laws that regulate classified material, including one that makes it illegal to remove such records and keep them at an unapproved location and is punished by up to five years in prison.

In the middle of January, staff members from the National Archives found 15 boxes of White House documents at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

The communication between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, which Trump has called “beautiful letters,” and a handwritten note that former President Barack Obama left in the Oval Office for his successor were among the things Trump was required to return.

Right away, some Republicans criticized the raid.

Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, a Republican, stated on Twitter that “we have witnessed using government authority to punish political opponents is something we have seen many times from third world Marxist dictatorships but never before in America.”

According to this social media image of Donald Trump standing with a recently engaged couple, he was at his golf club in Bedminister, New Jersey, on Sunday.

In the days preceding outgoing President Donald Trump’s final day in office in January 2021, boxes were observed near the West Wing.

Attorney General Garland, keep your records safe and free up your schedule.

The FBI was also criticized by right-wing Rep. Lauren Boebert, who demanded that the GOP form a Select Committee to look into the “politically-motivated” raid.

On January 14, 2021, individuals carry boxes out of the Eisenhower Executive Office building while waiting for a moving van.

Trump’s ‘beautiful letters’ to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un were reportedly among the papers he carried with him when he left the White House; above, the two leaders at the demilitarized zone in June 2019.

Above: President Obama and President-elect Trump in the Oval Office on November 10, 2016, with a note that Barack Obama left for him after his presidency came to an end.

When the boxes were sent to the National Archives and Records Administration, Trump asserted that it was done “openly and freely.”

After respectful and cooperative negotiations, he wrote in the third person, “The National Archives and Records Administration freely and voluntarily arranged with President Trump for the delivery of boxes that contained letters, records, newspapers, magazines, and numerous items.”

In the future, some of this data will be on display in the Donald J. Trump Presidential Library so that everyone may see the amazing things my administration has done for the American people.

The House Oversight and Reform Committee launched an investigation into Trump’s unlawful removal or destruction of White House records in reaction to the material’s seizure.

The congressional letter to NARA Archivist David Ferriero stated that “removing or obscuring government records is a criminal violation punishable by up to three years in jail.”

Trump was also well-known for tearing up paper throughout his presidency, which is against the Presidential Records Act.

All notes, letters, emails, and other items that the president touches must be preserved by the White House and sent to the National Archives for storage, according to the Presidential Records Act.

But Trump had a peculiar tendency of tearing up papers when he was finished with them, which some of his associates refer to as his clandestine “filing system.”

The task of reassembling the documents was delegated to a team of employees in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

Paper shreds gathered from the Oval Office and the private house of the White House were delivered to the records management office across the street from the White House, where they were put back together using scotch tape before being delivered to the National Archives to be properly filed.

Along with cleansed data, the former president reported.

Trump will break records, according to Maggie Haberman, a White House writer for the New York Times, in her upcoming book about the Trump administration.

She said on Monday that a former White House employee who served under the previous administration had provided her with images of presidential notes stashed within the house toilets.

I mean, give me a break, said Eric Trump, “to have 30 FBI agents, actually more than that, descend on Mar-a-Lago, provide absolutely no notice, go through the fence, start ransacking an office, ransacking a closet — you know, they smashed into a safe, he didn’t even have anything in the safe.”

Although the papers appeared to be handwritten rather than official documents, the pictures released by Axios on Monday purportedly show two sets of notes in the restrooms, one of which is said to be located in a White House bathroom and the other in an undisclosed location abroad during a foreign presidential trip.

The names of lawmakers appear to be put down on one of the torn up documents on top of a stack in the bathroom in black sharpie.

Two names can be seen clearly on the paper – Rogers and Stefanik – although the rest of the torn up papers are mostly illegible.

The names are likely referencing Republican Representative Mike Rogers of Alabama and GOP Conference Chairwoman Elise Stefanik, a Trump defender.

Trump spokesperson Taylor Budowich told Axios: ‘You have to be pretty desperate to sell books if pictures of paper in a toilet bowl is part of your promotional plan.’

‘There’s enough people willing to fabricate stories like this in order to impress the media class — a media class who is willing to run with anything, as long as it anti-Trump,’ he added.

Maggie Haberman, a New York Times White House correspondent who closely followed Trump during his presidency for an upcoming book, claimed to have obtained pictures of handwritten notes stuffed into the bowls. She says this image is from a White House toilet

The images published by Axios purportedly show two sets of notes in the toilets, though they do not appear to be official documents. This image, Haberman claims, is from a toilet on an overseas trip

Trump is involved in several other legal matters, including the Justice Department’s investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election and the January 6th insurrection.

And a district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia is investigation whether Trump and his close associates sought to interfere in that state’s election, which Biden won.

Trump is also being probed by various criminal and civil investigations at the state level in New York.

More political persecution of Donald J. Trump, he claimed, was the result of the raid.


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