Facts You Need to Know About: T’ziah Wood-smith, Relationship Status, All Ups and Downs

T’ziah Wood-Smith: Meaning of the Name

The meaning of the name T’ziah is ambiguous, although Ziah, which is of Indian ancestry, means “light, life, or lovely.”

The oldest child that Busta Rhymes has with his baby mama, Joanne Wood, is T’ziah Wood-Smith. Busta Rhymes is a proud father to his children. On February 26, 1993, he was born in Garden City, New York. T’ziah’s father is a well-known musician, singer, and actor who has achieved remarkable success in his profession, as the majority of people are already aware.

T’Khi Wood-Smith, Trillian Wood-Smith, Mariah Elizabeth Miskelly, Cacie, and Miracle are T’ziah’s two brothers and one half-sibling. The siblings are very close and in love with one another. So without further ado, take a look at the information provided below to discover more about T’ziah Wood-Smith, the son of Busta Rhymes.

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T’ziah Wood-Smith works for Phoenix Financial as a business broker.

T’ziah Wood-Smith joined Phoenix Financial in 2017 and is a business broker there, according to LinkedIn. He entered the field of business and finance when he studied for a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in marketing. The son of Busta Rhymes made his family extremely happy by making a different career choice.

T’ziah appears to be making a satisfying wage. He likely feels content in his current position. He could be given a promotion with a promising wage in the upcoming years.

Given that he played basketball in college, T’ziah has a very good chance of becoming a basketball player as well. Nevertheless, he works for Phoenix Financial as a business broker at the moment.

The parents of T’ziah Wood-Smith fought for custody.

The entire custody and judicial procedure are extremely painful and one of the worst experiences someone can have. The custody of their three boys was a contentious issue for T’ziah’s parents. Rhymes’ decision to refer to his baby’s mother as “worthless” escalated the conflict. Little T’ziah must have found it difficult to witness his parents in such a predicament.

Busta Rhymes and Joanna Wood fought over custody for more than four years. But when the Nassau County Family Court judge determined Rhymes was a better father than his baby’s mother, the custody arrangement came to an end.

Relations With Siblings

In addition to being a wonderful son, T’ziah Wood-Smith is also a good brother to his siblings. His relationships with his brothers and half-sisters are excellent. We can observe how T’ziah Wood-Smith is always there for his siblings by looking at his Instagram profile.

T’ziah is a kind and devoted brother, we might say. He never disputes lending a helping hand when one of his siblings is struggling. Overall, T’ziah is a kind person who values his relationships with his family above anything else.

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