Is Bluestacks Safe to Use on Mac & Windows PC?

As long as you are downloading and using Bluestacks from the official website, there is everything safe about Bluestacks. It is important to know that if something which is installed on our system is safe or not and so we are here writing this piece on – Is Bluestacks Safe? is bluestacks safe?

Yes, Bluestacks is safe just as your mobile phone and system are, however, if you go around downloading and installing apps within Bluestacks without any caution, it is likely to pull some harm. What is Bluestacks anyways if not just a simple emulator for your windows and Mac. 

We read this piece on Insider and to quote Attila Tomaschek who is a digital privacy researcher in the cybersecurity firm ProPrivacy, “You’ll need to be careful,”. “Even if you have downloaded BlueStacks from the official site, you can still download potentially malicious apps from the Google Play Store.

is bluestacks safe

Now considering Bluestacks, itself as an app that collects data, it becomes important to reconcile how it works in the first place and what happens to your collected data. Essentially, when you install BlueStacks, you will have to log into your Google account.

Likewise, BlueStacks will seek access to your name, email address, and any other basic public information on your Google account. Besides, this might include your phone number, gender, address, and preferences. 

Secondly, BlueStacks will also access some of your computer’s data. Quoting Tomaschek, abut Bluestacks “info regarding your OS, hardware, unique device identifiers, and network information.” Once you start using it, it’ll also “collect and analyze data related to your devices, like your device’s IP address, location preferences, system configuration data, app activity, transaction timestamps, Android app metadata, and more.”

is bluestacks safe?

But this is barely something that should be taken into worry. And it reasonably won’t have any admittance to your original files or documents. Dave Hatter, a cybersecurity consultant from InTrust IT, in their interview at Insider, spoke that both the systems- Macs and PCs have pretty strict security when it comes to letting apps read your documents. Unless you’ve deliberately disabled your computer’s built-in security features, or haven’t updated it in years, your files will be untouched.”

Considering Bluestacks, itself as an app that collects data, it becomes important to reconcile how it works in the first place and what happens to your collected data. In a nutshell, Bluestacks is a safe thing as long as you do safe things, like install trusted apps inside. Got questions in mind? Hit the comment section below.


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