Not only was there a pitch for The Rings of Power, but HBO also wanted to reboot the Lord of the Rings series.
The lord of the rings: The first season of The Rings of Power is currently airing, but if Amazon had not acquired the rights from the Tolkien Estate, very different shows might have emerged. One of these shows, according to reports, would have been produced by HBO, which wanted to reboot well-known content.
According to the legendarium of J.R.R. Tolkien, Middle Earth has not remained the same throughout history. The world’s creation myth is covered in the First Middle Earth Age, followed by the Second Middle Earth Age, which covers the rise of Man and the creation of the Rings of Power, the Third Middle Earth Age, which covers the decline of the magical races, and the Fourth Middle Earth Age, which begins when Man’s rise is complete.
Tolkien wanted Middle Earth to eventually become a normal, modern world. The Second Age of Middle Earth is the setting for The Rings of Power. Showrunners Patrick McKay and J.D. Payne have some leeway to make the world their own because it covers a time period that has never been filmed or adapted into live-action.
When the Tolkien Estate, known for its fierce protection of Tolkien’s works, announced in 2017 that they were considering bids for a Lord of the Rings television show, The Hollywood Reporter says that Amazon wasn’t the only one who responded. At the time, HBO, which was showing Game of Thrones, wanted to make its own show. But the Estate didn’t like their idea because HBO wanted to remake the Third Age of Middle Earth and the Estate didn’t want to go back to the same old ground.
Even though Christopher Tolkien, Tolkien’s son, was unhappy with the films based on The Lord of the Rings by Peter Jackson and famously claimed that the films “eviscerated” his father’s work, the Estate did not seem interested in making amends by making a new movie.
They seemed even less impressed with Netflix’s proposal to create a shared universe by combining shows about Gandalf and Aragorn in an interconnected universe.“They took the Marvel approach, and that completely freaked out the estate,” an insider reportedly stated regarding that strategy.
The conflict between House of the Dragon and The Rings of Power was almost certainly inevitable. In a piece for The Hollywood Reporter, McKay discusses this, stating somewhat tiredly, “It dominates the narrative about how it’s received.”But the way our show was made, it was in no way a part of the story. We should hopefully be competing with ourselves.”
House of the Dragon and Rings of Power’s fates are ultimately sealed for a future season, but beyond that, it is difficult to predict what lies ahead. However, if the Tolkien Estate had accepted HBO’s offer, the history of both shows probably would have changed drastically, and the fantasy landscape would be very different right now.
On Fridays, new episodes of The Rings of Power air on Amazon Prime.
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