Discovering a New Human Species: Homo Bodoensis – Rethinking the Origin of Humans!

The origin of humans has been a subject of debate for centuries. The discovery of a new human species, Homo Bodoensis, has raised major doubts about the existing claims of human history. In this article, we will outline the story of Homo Bodoensis and its implications.

The Uncertainty around the Origin of Humans

The story of human evolution was believed to be a straightforward path from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. However, recent discoveries of new human species have led to questions and changes in the existing human family tree.

Homo Heidelbergensis and Homo Rhodesiensis: Possible Ancestors

Homo heidelbergensis and Homo rhodesiensis were believed to be the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens. But their classification has been a topic of debate. The Mauer mandible, a single jawbone, is the only known jawbone of Homo heidelbergensis. Some scientists believed that unique features of the bone set it apart from other hominids, while others speculated that it may have been an early species of Neanderthal.

What is the Mauer Mandible?

The Mauer mandible is the only known jawbone of Homo heidelbergensis. It was found in Germany and is the oldest jawbone of a human species discovered to date. The considerable size of the jawbone suggested brain expansion and was considered evidence of Homo heidelbergensis’ possible intelligence.

The Problems with the Term ‘Heidelbergensis’

The term ‘heidelbergensis’ is a problematic word as it has been used as a rag-bag term for too long. Many fossils have been grouped under its name, making it difficult to classify.

The Colonial Legacy of Homo Rhodesiensis

Homo Rhodesiensis was named after the colony of Rhodesia, which was ruled under controversial imperialist Cecil Rhodes. The scientists argued that the name had links to colonialism, which is why it should no longer be used.

The Proposal of a New Species: Homo Bodoensis

The scientists proposed a new species of hominid, Homo bodoensis, to replace Homo heidelbergensis and Homo Rhodesiensis. The Bodo skull, based on which the new species was described, had an enlarged cranium compared to Homo erectus but smaller than Homo sapiens, suggesting it could be an intermediate species. It is not believed to be an ancestor of the Neanderthals or the Denisovans as it has unique features. Several other remains thought to be Homo heidelbergensis and Homo rhodesiensis were reclassified as Homo bodoensis.

What is the Bodo Skull?

The Bodo skull was discovered in Ethiopia and is considered a significant finding in determining the human family tree. The skull is believed to date back to between 600,000 and 1.5 million years ago.

The Re-classification of Specimens

Several remains previously thought to be Homo heidelbergensis and Homo rhodesiensis are now reclassified as Homo bodoensis. These remains suggest that Homo bodoensis may have reached the Eastern Mediterranean and dispersed deeper into Europe.

The Future of Human Evolution

Human evolution is a complex and ever-changing field of study. The discovery of Homo bodoensis has created a new chapter in human evolution’s ongoing history.

The Legacy of Homo Bodoensis

The discovery of Homo bodoensis has led to debates and discussions about the flaws in the existing human family tree. This new species adds depth and complexity to our understanding of human history, and its legacy shall continue in future studies.

The Unending Debate of Human Evolution

The debate around human evolution is set to continue, as new discoveries and findings are made. The history of hominids is undoubtedly uncertain, and yet it remains a subject of fascination for scientists and non-scientists alike.


The discovery of Homo bodoensis has added a new layer of intrigue to the already complex study of human evolution. It has caused us to rethink our understanding of the evolution of humans and to question the accuracy of the existing human family tree. With new discoveries and findings, the debate surrounding human evolution will continue. However, the emergence of Homo bodoensis is sure to shape the field’s future research and inquiry.


1. How old is the Bodo skull?

The Bodo skull is believed to be between 600,000 and 1.5 million years old.

2. What is the Mauer mandible?

The Mauer mandible is a jawbone that is the only known fossil of Homo heidelbergensis to have been discovered.

3. Why was Homo Rhodesiensis named after Cecil Rhodes?

Homo Rhodesiensis was named after the colony of Rhodesia, which was named after colonialist Cecil Rhodes.

4. Why is the classification of Homo heidelbergensis problematic?

The term ‘heidelbergensis’ has been used to group many fossils together, making it difficult to classify which fossils belong to which species.

5. What is the significance of the discovery of Homo bodoensis?

The discovery of Homo bodoensis has raised questions about the existing human family tree and caused us to rethink our understanding of the evolution of humans.


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