Well so we thought to start this new series, having the dope systems around us really don’t get that groovy attention. Today we have an exciting, candylicious and jaw-dropper PC build by EMARQUE. These guys recently started off and they have just exploded into great success for their creative worth and outstanding work.
Emarque believes to “aim to bring the PC enthusiast community further in our Malaysia to the next level which is custom liquid cooling, showing that liquid cooling is not only a game for the rich, but also for those on a budget and would like to learn as well”
Though this isn’t suitable for many pockets. It just really shows off how well they are at their work. They also specialize if you have a lower budget, modding and getting a unique PC isnt expensive, they are trying to make cool PCs as affordable.
Amazing project done in the past month by the Emarque team. True hard work and passion involved.The RESURGENCE build…
Posted by Emarque on Saturday, April 2, 2016
We really feel excited to see more for the folks at Emarque. Currently they operate in Malaysia and soon hope to expand into nearby Asian territories. Even if you aren’t from around here. Do toss them a huge thumbs up on their page.
If you have any suggestions for next week. You could head over to the Contact Us page and tell us more about it.