Recently, a user of Yama-k captured a clip of an odd glitch involving golden weapons in Overwatch 2. While playing as Ana, a bug occurred on the Control map of Overwatch 2’s Lijiang Tower’s Garden area. While the player was on one of the bridges near the goal, the problem suddenly emerged.
Ana’s Biotic Rifle abruptly transformed from its standard coloring to its golden weapon variation after launching a Biotic Grenade onto the ground. The golden weapon persisted throughout the rest of the match, even though the video cut out immediately after this metamorphosis.
They formerly belonged to Golden Arms. Overwatch frequently represent success with a particular hero because the original game was published in 2016, and they do so often. Three thousand competition points, obtained by participating in competitive matches, must be used to purchase these desired cosmetics. Although Overwatch 2 is still developing, a player has accidentally and temporarily unlocked one of these weapons.
A user by the name of Yama-k was able to capture a clip of an odd issue involving golden weaponry while playing a recent game. This bug happened while playing as Anna on the control map’s Garden area of Lijiang Tower. This issue showed up when the player was on one of the bridges close to the goal.
The biotic gun Anna was using abruptly turned from its usual hue to one of gold as she threw a biotic grenade to the ground. The golden weapon was still present for the rest of the match, even though the video cut off immediately after the change.
Yama-k simply posed the following query when sharing the highlight on Reddit: “Should this occur?” Unsurprisingly, many gamers have commented, and the post has received a lot of upvotes. Several players made jokes about the random issue in the comments. Before the player reached the bug, one user said, “Bug needs an update,” while tossing grenades.
Another user questioned whether the golden weapon was still unlocked. Overwatch 2 Mech Yama-k retorted, pointing out that when the game ended, it locked once more.
Unfortunately, players have had more issues since this golden weapon glitch. After its release, Overwatch 2 was continued for servers. DDoS assaults have affected Overwatch 2, making it difficult and occasionally impossible for users to sign in and out of the cooperative shooter. Things got so bad that Mike Ybarra, president of Blizzard Entertainment, wrote a message recognizing the problems and saying that the team is working hard to fix them.
The problems should be having an impact. Overwatch 2 This is easily fixable, allowing individuals who wish to play the game to follow the designers’ intentions. Blizzard has previously mentioned that a tonne more content is coming in the upcoming months in addition to the Season 1 Battle Pass for the free-to-play game. In light of this, it seems likely that in the upcoming days and weeks, the player experience will improve.
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