The invitation for Shri Narendra Modi, the Indian prime minister, to visit New Zealand has been extended by Ms. Jacinda Ardern, the country’s leader. She sent out this invitation while participating in the “Vishwa Sadbhavana” event, which was a part of the Kiwi Indian Hall of Fame awards, jointly organized by the NID Foundation and the Indian Weekender in Auckland, New Zealand.
At this event, two volumes describing Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s distinctive and enormously successful leadership were also released in the presence of Dr. S. Jaishankar, Minister for External Affairs.
New Zealand and India have a lot in common, their relationship has been developing, and there is a tonne of room for future growth, according to Prime Minister Ms. Jacinda Ardern in her remarks as the keynote speaker.
In her speech as the event’s chief guest, Ardern drew attention to the many similarities between India and New Zealand, as well as their developing friendship and the enormous potential for future progress.
“In a world that is becoming increasingly volatile, New Zealand and India share a lot of things. Both nations care for our democratic traditions and share an interest in a peaceful and prosperous Indo-Pacific region. We share a concern for climate change and we have similar passions for celebrating different cultures and traditions. Engagements like today’s, not only deepen our relationship but also progresses our aspirations,” she added.
She emphasized that since the Indian community first arrived in New Zealand in the 1890s, it has developed into one of the nation’s largest ethnic communities, accounting for about 5% of the overall population.
According to PTI, there are over 2,50,000 persons of Indian heritage living in New Zealand. Most of them now call the country their permanent home.
Other members of the New Zealand cabinet include the country’s foreign minister, Nanaia Mahuta, the attorney general, minister of revenue, and associate minister of finance, David Parker; the ministers of internal affairs and women, Jan Tinetti; the associate ministers of the environment and immigration, Phil Twyford; the minister for the community and voluntary sector, Priyanka Radhakrishnan; and the minister for trade and export growth, Phil Twyford.
Michael Wood, Minister for Immigration & Transport, Priyanka Radhakrishnan, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Minister for Diversity, Inclusion, and Ethnic Communities, and Associate Minister for Social Development & Employment were also present. The associate ministers for the environment and immigration were also in attendance.
More than 750 notable Indian Diaspora and New Zealanders attended, including members of Parliament Melissa Lee, Paul Goldsmith, Simeon Brown, Karen Chhor, Damien Smith, Andrew Bayly, Simon O Connor, Erica Stanford, Chris Luxon, Leader of the opposition David Seymour, Leader of the ACT party, Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs, Corporate Leaders, Educators, and more were present at this historic event organized in Auckland
To read more about this, you can refer to the link here.
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